Tuesday, November 29, 2011


We had the privilege to host Thanksgiving this year and I really wanted this time to be a blessing for my family in a tangible way. So, when we sat down for our meal, rather than just scarfing down the delicious food in silence, we each shared one specific way every person is a blessing. It was such a sweet time of speaking life into each other, and it truly brought us closer. I appreciate my family for being willing to step out like this. Nothing can replace the words we heard that day! Proverbs 16:24 "Kind words are like honey- sweet to the soul and healing for the body."


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

...is celebrating 5 years with Jordy

Happy 5th Birthday, Jordan!
Before birthday hair cut!

10 inches of hair for Locks for Love

After birthday hair cut!

chic-fil-a party with great friends and family!