Sunday, June 5, 2011 she finally lost it

Kendall has been waiting all year to lose a tooth and it finally happened yesterday. She wiggled it and wiggled it, for three days straight. With the help of her Aunt Sis, it came out while we were at the beach. She was surprised when Aunt Sis twisted it out; I think from the fact that it didn't hurt like she was expecting. She put it in her little tooth fairy doll and when she awoke this morning, it was replaced by 4 quarters. Congratulations, Kendall Bendall, on losing your first tooth!

Friday, June 3, 2011

...we have the fever

The Bieber Fever, that is. In comparison, I'd say it's a low-grade fever, but still. And, I must send out a 'holla' to our friends, the Akins, for the encouragement.

The girls and I watched the Bieb's in his movie and now we're hooked. Kendall watched the whole thing with stars in her eyes while Jordan just wanted to dance like him. I actually liked his songs. We now have his album on our Ipod.

It kinda reminds me of the time in 6th grade when I watched a NKOTB video- the fat lady didn't sing, but it was over for me. I was in love. Now, I'm not 'in love' with JB- that would be way too inappropriate- but, the 6th grader in me may have a slight crush. I think it started with the drum solo. I may also have a slight attraction to Usher. I'm just sayin'.

Oh, the things we parents do to relate to to our children. I'm just trying to be in their world.