Thursday, December 23, 2010 Family Festivities-Christmas Time

This past weekend we headed to the ATL to celebrate Christmas with Jason's family. I always love Atlanta at Christmas time, if I can get past the traffic and freezing cold weather. I especially love going to the mall at North Point: the chaos of finding a parking spot, the loud Christmas music blaring all over, the lavishly decorated store fronts, and especially the intensity of the last minute shoppers, some are more focused and passionate than others (Amy, you know what I'm talking about!).

We had a weekend full of activity. Gigi treated us to the movies to watch Yogi The Bear. Then we had dinner with Nana. On Saturday, the girls made cookies that morning with Gigi.

Sloane, Gigi, Kenall, and Jordan
Then, in the evening we celebrated with the entire Turner family, minus a few. Jason is blessed with a large and close family and is 1 of 16 cousins. Now, over half of the cousins are married and most of that half have little ones. So, you can imagine the activity, the noise, the laughter, the body count- well into 40. I love it. The girls got dressed up- their favorite activity! 

On Sunday, we had brunch then exchanged gifts with Jason and his immediate family- Gigi; Amy, Chad, and Sloane; Jonathan and Krista; Jeremy.

The girls say: "Get this over with so we can start opening our presents, please."
Sloane says: "but I want to put it in my mouth, daddy"
Jason says: "ooh, now I can download The Black Keys"
Jonathan says: "I'm all set for winter with my gloves, scarf, hat, and Lowes card? What?"
Chad says: "I got a lame elf? What the..."
Krista says: "whoa, that's a lot of pink"

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