Sunday, December 26, 2010 Chrima time- Part 2

We enjoyed watching the girls perform in their Christmas programs.

The first performance was at our church. The children re-enacted the Christmas story while the choir sang. Jordan was angelic in her white robe and gold garland halo, with her sweet smile.

Kendall was the 'star'- literally and literally. She wore a gold star costume, and she stole the show. It's difficult in words to describe exactly how entertaining she was, and I hope to find someone with a video of it. Let's just say she was not so happy to be the star and showed her displeasure with very vivid facial expressions.

The girls' cousins were also in the Pageant. Hannah was one of the readers.

Haley and Caleb were sweet angels, too. Haley had a little friend who hugged her through the entire show. And Caleb was enthralled with the choir and looked back at them for most of the show. 

The second performance was Jordan in her Montessori school program. She rehearsed her songs for days leading up to the opening act. And she didn't disappoint. Again, she kept a cheerful smile and sang her heart out. 
Jordy is singing, heart and soul she's singing!
Papa, Nani, Hannah, Aunt Sis, and Haley were Jordy's cheering section!
Sam and Jordy- Aren't they the cutest things?


  1. Hey Rachael- loving the posts... I have a question...
    Is the girl you are referring to as Aunt Sis - the Teacher at Noah's Ark? She is so sweet- I didn't know that was your sister!

  2. what precious pictures...definitely have to keep this last one of sam & jordie on file for high school days. it will be super fun to pull that one out in 10 years!!

  3. Oh my word, Kendall's expressions are cracking me up - love them! I love all of the pics, but especially that one of Jordan and Sam - so cute!
