Friday, March 25, 2011 I let her wear it

I asked the girls if they wanted to pick their own outfits- head to toe- on their own. Of course they were thrilled and rose to the occasion. I didn't even supervise. This is my effort to give them some autonomy. So, they come out ready to model their attire. I'm prepared, given my girlfriends' flair.

Jordan picked out a burgundy long sleeved shirt and paired it with a salmon color ruffled skirt along with bright pink & white striped tights (kind of like the ones Pippy Longstocking wore). She finished her look off with white ruffled socks and black Mary Jane's. Oh the clashing, but I let her wear it.

Kendall picked a purple dress with some sequins and hot pink tights. She topped it off with her bright florescent green wedges and a sparkly headband. Yes, she stood out, but I let her wear it.

I do have to wonder where they get their sense of style from. I left the house today in my usual attire of a cotton shirt with a tank top underneath, jeans, and flip-flops. It's bland, typical, and outdated but I let her wear it.


  1. where are the pictures?? Gotta see this :)

  2. I know, I should have taken a picture. Like most of our mornings, we rarely have a moment to spare. Next time, though.
