Tuesday, May 29, 2012

...preparing the house

Order and completion is finally on the horizon! Since February, the Lee house has been a 'remodeling' zone. A good and necessary step in preparing for another little one to join us! But, a not 'fun' process for the neurotic mother who thrives in order and cleanliness. So, needless to say, I had to spend a lot of time on my knees and renewing my mind that all this is temporary.

We started with organizing (me) and flooring (Jason and my dad) the entire attic. Then we Jason built a shed to move all the garage stuff into. Next, Jason (with some help from Grafton, Dad, and Alec) turned the garage into a play zone! They also painted the nursery and the girls' bathroom. I got in there and did some light decorating. Finally, we (with the help of great family and friends!) stocked the nursery with furniture and began decorating! And we're almost finished!

(I'll add pictures of our projects...)

Here's one of the nursery crib and new bedding:

The girls are having a blast with the nursery, already stocking it with lots of babies!

Kit is reading a book in the swing and the twin girls are napping on the flower rug.
Rebecca is borrowing the owl snuggly while napping in the crib.
Jacob is enjoying rocking while Nathan is propped up in the Bobby.

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