Sunday, December 26, 2010 Chrima time- Part 1

We have had a fun month bringing in the Christmas season. The first weekend of December, we finally got around to putting up some decorations and the tree. I am usually gung-ho about going to the tree farm with the family in tow to cut-down a live tree (correction: for Jason to cut down the live tree). But, not this year. I was dragging my feet. We finally planned the BIG day, but decided to get out all the decorations first (we usually get the tree, then retrieve said decorations). And lo and behold what did I find up the attic: a 6 ft. tree in a box that I had totally forgotten about. I must've broke down and bought one after Christmas last year. That put me in the 'holiday' spirit! I also found two miniature metallic trees I had bought for the girls (also forgot about). So, the night ended well...I was happy, the girls loved their gaudy trees, the house was transformed into snowman wonderland, and Jason didn't even have to put lights on the house.

1 comment:

  1. We packed up most of our Christmas stuff and put it in my Aunt's attic while we were at Seminary for 4 christmases, so when we pulled it all out a month ago, it was like "Christmas" just finding all the little goodies I forgot about! Digging those tiny trees, btw.
