Saturday, January 22, 2011 Care Bears

We had an interesting discussion during bath time this week (Jason was not present, but I would have loved to hear his perspective). We discussed, "If you were a Care Bear, what would your name be?"

Rachael: I think Kendall's name would be Tender Heart.
Jordan: There's already a tender heart.
Rachael: You're right. Hmm....
Kendall: I think my name would be Loves-a-lot.
(I love that she named herself!)
We all agreed.

Rachael: I think Jordan's name would be Laughs-a-lot. (giggles all around)
Kendall: No, I think Jordan should be named Sparkle Heart.
Jordan: Yeah, I'm Sparkle-Heart. (she really liked that one)

Jordan: I think daddy's name would be Brave Heart.
Kendall: No, name him Silly Heart.
Jordan: Na..uh..Brave Heart.
Kendall: Silly Heart...
Rachael: OK, girls, Daddy is so cool that he can have two names. What about mommy? (compromise and distraction)

Jordan: I think your name would be Love Heart.
Rachael: Awe, Jordy, that's a sweet one.
Kendall: I'm going to name you Thanks-a-lot. (no, she didn't say it with a sarcastic tone)
Rachael: that's nice, too. I'll take, both.

So, if you were a Care Bear, what would your name be?

1 comment:

  1. so when i played this little game with the boys, they deemed me "hairy care-bear."
    not sure what to think about that.
